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Cultivation Station

Sep 2, 2020

You might be ready to make the leap from cottage foods in your own kitchen to a shared commercial kitchen space. This is a big leap, but one that many companies need to make to continue to grow. Join us for this months episode, where we dive into business incubators and commissary kitchens. We talk with a company who grew out of a commissary and into their own facility, a commissary kitchen owner who thrives on her tenants succeeding, and a business incubator that not only has a commercial kitchen but offers lots of other business resources. They have some good advice and we can't wait to share it with you! 

0:58 Laura Mercier - Grand Junction Business Incubator - Info Here!  

22:00 Justin Park- The Real Dill - Info Here!
45:00 Alexandra - Commissary 5280 - Info Here!